Salary Board - Get early access!

Add salary ranges to job posts in minutes

Cities & states are legally requiring employers to share salary ranges in job posts. Salary Board allows you to publish ranges to job posts in minutes.

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Compliance that
Enhances the Candidate Experience

Pequity's Salary Board allows teams of all sizes to publish their ranges easily to their job posts in compliance with local laws.

Our intelligent and configurable software automatically maps and adds your team's ranges to posted jobs - all with a delightful candidate experience.

With Salary Board your team can:

✅ Load ranges to a secure platform (SSO/MFA/Okta capable!)
✅ Choose the ranges (salary, bonus, equity, etc.) to show on jobs
✅ Map ranges to posted jobs based on roles, levels, locations
✅ Choose what portion of the range to make visible

...all in minutes!

Bonus! if you don't have ranges or are unsure of how to comply with the laws, Pequity's in-house compensation experts are here to help create ranges or recommend a plan for your team.

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