Do sign on bonuses work? Should we continue the work-from-home stipend? Pequity answers your quantitative questions so the CFO can see exactly where you stand relative to your budget.
Real-time data from your Pequity workflows show what decisions are happening where. Export or use the filterable dashboard to generate reports.
Based on industry best-practices, built-in analytics eliminates the noise and pinpoint what is important to understand your pay programs.
Easy to read dashboards that run off of granular permissions so you can give leaders the right level of information for their teams.
Smart Ranges
Create and share range data in a way that’s secure, efficient and scalable
Recruiter Workbench
Make offers with confidence, keep managers informed, and closely track competitive market trends
Comp Cycles
Smart & simple compensation cycle planning, bringing together all relevant people and data in one place
Talent Analytics
Real-time analytics helps you put boardroom reports together in minutes, not days
Digital Offers
An interactive, branded offer experience that communicates professionalism, and elevates your brand